Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween Party

We had a great time at our Halloween party. There was scary popcorn hands, cookie decorating, pumpkin carving, ghost coloring, sucker ghosts & pumpkin painting. The parents who volunteered were lifesavers! For LOTS more pictures be my friend on facebook and download all you want!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cohen's Birthday

Happy Birthday Cohen! 4 years old and smart as can be! We are so glad Cohen is in our class. For his birthday, his mom brought in YUMMY cupcakes. I hope mom isn't horrified of the messy pic. I couldn't resist, it was so cute! This was a result of smelly markers & yummy chocolate frosting.
Anyone know anything about cameras? How can I make mine not as blurry when inside?

A Day Just for Boys!

It was a little different in class today. Both Kyla and Kessa were absent so the boys had the day to get wild and crazy. I didn't realize how much the girls really did keep them calmer and quieter. They sure did play like crazy! I'm not sure the game because they switched every two minutes but it seemed to be Star Wars/Monsters/??? and of course the play dough was still a hit.

Monday, August 17, 2009

We'll miss you Railynn!

Railynn and her family moved to Las Vegas on Saturday so we had to say goodbye to her. We made funny faces to send her off happy! We sure hope she has a great class in her new city!

Adam's First Day!

Adam became the final student to join our class on Thursday. He was such a great student and he joined right in with the fun. He was a super great chef in our kitchen and he loved to help everyone around him.

Cutting it up!

Our first cutting time!

Our first cutting session was a cut above the rest! We had so much fun trying to keep our thumb on the top. Some kids could actually stay on the lines while others said they were having a hard time (we never say I can't because it turns our brains off!). They all tried so hard. I hope they proudly showed you their work at the end of the day.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


We love snack time. We all get to sit in a circle and talk about whatever we want. Mrs. Gillespie bought us all mini-water bottles so no more spills! We each have our own and we take them into class with us to drink whenever we need to.

Our newest student!

Nathaniel joined our class today after being on vacation last week. We had so much fun with him. He joined right in singing our songs and playing with us. What a great student he will be!

Justin's B-day!

Happy 5th Birthday to Justin. To celebrate, Justin brought donuts, chocolate milk & strawberry milk. We all sang happy birthday and he got to pick out of our treasure box. We are sure glad Justin is a part of our class!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Our class is the best!

Our first day of school was so fun. We made friendship chains. Each student got to share their name with everyone else. We also got to sing some really fun songs and play with all our classroom toys. Recess had to be inside because of a crazy infestation of mosquitoes. I can't wait until we get rid of those tiny little pests. We ended our day by starting our classroom jobs which the kids thought was SO FUN! The joy of preschoolers! I love them all. They are SO CUTE!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Classroom Jobs

Each of the kids will get a new job at the beginning of the day. These jobs are Trash spy-er, pencil sharpener, paper passer, duster, vacuumer, snack passer, fish feeder, calendar helper, line leader & table cleaner. Every child will get a chance to do each job.

Our "cubbies"

This is where the kids will put their papers until the end of the day. They each have a pocket with their name on it. If there is anything that needs to be sent home, we will put them in here.

School starts tomorrow!

I am so excited for school to start! It was so fun to meet all of you and I can't wait for us to sing and learn together. We now have 10 students: Railynn, Kyla, Kessa, Ronin, Justin, Nathaniel, Canon, Hayden, Cohen & Ty. Here's a look at our preschool room.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Preschool Registration Starting!

Sign up now for The Little Learners Preschool! First day of school is August 4th. Queen Creek, Arizona

Positive, Uplifting environment
Thematic Units
Letter and Number Recognition
Reading Readiness Activities
Social Skills Awareness
Writing Development
Zoophonics Instruction
Colors & Shapes
Science Discoveries
Arts & Crafts
Monthly NewslettersAligned to AZ State Standards

August 30th - Open house
August 4th - First Day of School
October 8, 13,14,15 - No School - Fall Break
November 11- No School - Veteran’s Day
November 26- No school - Thanksgiving
December 22-Jan 5 - No School - Winter Break
January 6 - School back in session
March 16, 17, 18, 23 - No School - Spring Break

May 25th - Graduation Day (Last Day of School)

$100 per month

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:00-10:45