Thursday, August 30, 2012


Yellow day can't help but make you cheerful!  It is just so bright and beautiful!

All Aboard the Learning Train!


A magnet puzzles
Animal puzzles

Apple number recognition and counting 

Our newest friend in the PM class - Marcel!  We have loved being able to play and learn with him!  He is so much fun!

The kids loved making alligators and apples with the crayon melter


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Our awesome blue junk poster!

Our blue day art - BLUE from Blues Clues!

Blue Day!

Happy Birthday Sei (AM)!

I sure get a kick out of this kid!  This was his "smile"!  He said cheese and everything!

Happy Birthday Vivian (AM)

Center fun!

Oh, the many, many skills we've won just by doing center fun!

All the kiddos got a chance to sit with Mrs. Gillespie and practice their name.

The sensory table was a huge hit.  Pretty sure Liam spent most of his time there!  If only there were a magic rice cleaner to accompany it!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Our RED junk poster!  Isn't it fantastic?  The wonders we can find!  The kiddos are so proud of this poster.  I can't wait to see the next colors.
Vivian's (AM) cute RED caterpillar snack!
RED DAY PM!  Picked the silly face pic because this was the ONLY one that all the kiddos were looking at me!  Besides, they are SO CUTE!!!
RED DAY AM!  Don't these kids have the cutest faces ever?!!!
Reese sorting the teddy bears.  Cameron and Mary in the background checking out the books!
Lyla and Liam (AM) pushing the pom poms.  Yes, they got the big one to fit!
Vivian, Sei and Addison (AM) hard at work!  I love how they take turns!
Greysen and Davin (PM + an extra - mine) sort pom poms with tweezers. 
Emma Grace (PM) has fun with Pom Pom rainbows!
Nuts and bolts!  They have a grand time sorting, checking and screwing while they unknowingly work on their fine motor skills!  Dallon (PM)  loves this one :)
Center fun!  Sophia and Emma Jade see who can make the most noise with the teddy bears while Zachary and Connor roll their eyes and plug their ears.