Sunday, August 18, 2013

Meet our awesome class!

Our Class of Friends
                     Ellie                                  Jordin

                                               Noah                           Camdyn
                   Jeffery                             Arkilyes

                   Brett                                  Brylee

                    Reilly                                Kelton

                     Ryan P.                            Ryan R.

                   Alden                                   Jake

                       Jax                                   Mason

                      Cody                                 Kyah


          Geron                               Devony

First Day of School

Our first week of school was so fun!  We had a great time getting to know each other!  We had a lot of fun doing all of our bear activities - gummy bear tallying, teddy bear sorting, teddy bear painting and we especially loved showing off our stuffed teddy bears and animals!  Yeah for new friends!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Welcome to our AWESOME Pre-1st class! Here are a few views of our classroom this year!  I can't wait to see you all on Monday!

Clifford welcomes all of you smart kiddos!

Our pod door!  (My son Dason with the photo bomb)

An overall view of our classroom

Our math centers and teacher desk area.

Our wonderful word wall.  I can't wait to get some wonder words up there!

Our cubbies.  They will look a little more crazy come Monday!