Monday, September 9, 2013

Our 5 senses- Touch Away!

Our 5 senses activity this week was Touch!  We got to guess what we were touching inside each bag and use descriptive words to tell each other what it felt like.  We heard some fabulous words like slimy, soft, mushy, powdery, and gross!

 Here are the things we got to touch:  a banana, an apple, flour, spaghetti, a furry skunk and the shaving cream is missing from the picture.

Yellow Day!

Give a cheer for YELLOW!

Totally Terrific T week!

T week was Terrific!  We put together trains by number, made tickle tubes, practiced our telephone numbers and colored telephones, added with teddy bears and made Turtle Tamborines!  

 As part of our math for the week, we got to play war and compare numbers!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Our 5 Senses

This week we had a fabulous time exploring some of our senses.  We started out by examining the sense of sight.  We got to play Eye Spy!  Next we explored the sense of hearing and played the game "what is my sound."  The kids were WAY too good at this!  I thought I had put a few hard sounds in there!  On Thursday we studied the sense of taste by having a tasters table.  We tried 4 different tastes:  sweet (fruit snacks), bitter (chocolate), salty (popcorn), and sour (lemon) and then we tallied our results.  

Here are a few picture perfect moments from our "sour" lemon tasting.

We had a new friend join our class this week!  Welcome Kenny!  We are so glad you could join us!

BLUE day!

Blue day was so fun!  We finally had an aide in our classroom who could take the picture for us!

Here is our BLUE junk poster!  We sure have some fabulous "junk"

RED Day!!!!

We had a great day celebrating the color RED!  Look at all those red shirts!  

We had a great time coloring our RED watermelons!

And here is our Fabulous RED junk poster!  Coming soon to a wall near you!

S week was SUPER!

We sure got to enjoy ourselves during S week.  We sorted socks, listened to stories, and played Slap Jack.  If only Mrs. Gillespie was as good at taking pictures to show!

Here are Camdyn and Jeffery working hard in writing lab.

Here are the kiddos showing off their Starburst treat from Mrs. Gillespie.  She was the "Letter Kid" for the week and we loved the S snack!

All of those activities were fun but our favorite activity of the week was SUPER SILLY SOCK Day!  We sure had some creative kiddos!  Thanks for all your help Mom and Dad!

                                Ryan P:  Invisible socks :)