Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Joyful Jubilee during J week!

We had only a few centers this week but the ones we did have were Jolly good fun.
This center takes the cake for the messiest center of all times but they sure had fun.
This is our Junk art painting.

 Gabby is definitely the little artist of our group.  Her art work always included entire scenes very well organized. 
 Joyful messes!

A jewelry style J to decorate for our center time.

Pattern blocks holiday style!

J is for Junk sale!
The kiddos had a grand time buying and selling their junk!  The afternoon class really had it figured out! 

Joyfully Jumping on J's to Jingles!

Dress a snowman!

Gingerbread man center - put the numbers in order from 1-10

 Oh how we love our letter snacks!
Mary brought us a candy cane J, a peanut butter and Jelly J sandwich and Apple jacks.
 Sofia brought jello Jiggles, apple jacks and juice!  For just an extra day of fun Sawyer brought us some yummy J shaped cookies!

Rectangle Day
Lyla brought a rectangle snack of popsicles, light signals and juice boxes.
 Greysen brought a yummy snack of graham crackers filled with chocolate frosting!

Random acts of dancing. LOVEEEEEE!

Just a few random pictures during play time...sometimes you just don't have to have a theme.  Anything can become great fun!  Legos were a definite hit with the boys this week.
 Had a little clearer picture but I love Connor & Dylan in this one so the fuzzies are worth it!
 This scene I will just call "Babies at the movies".  Notice the movie theater seating and the "snacks" for when their babies get hungry.  My favorite part of this scene:  Reese and her vacuum.  Where Reese goes, so does the vacuum.  Apparently the movie theater needed to be cleaned while they were there.

Snowman painting with Marshmallows!  So fun and I didn't have a single kid try to eat them afterwards!  Amazing!
Emma Grace and Gabby
 Emma Jade and Dylan (I know I have said it before but it is worth repeating - I love how his tongue comes right out when he is concentrating!)

Our shaving cream snowman, made  with a shaving cream/glue mixture and our fingers!
Wish I would have gotten pictures of them making them but it required way too much of my concentration just getting the kiddos to do circles with enough shaving cream & make them big enough.  Love how they turned out.  Wish I could have taken a picture of all of them.

And for the grand finale of J week - the Joy of being outside.  Brought to you by the smiling faces of the afternoon class.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Bubble Painting

We are very proud of our Barn books.  Each animal was created using different methods & painting ideas.  Below is a picture of our bubble blowing black sheep.  Extremely messy but really fun.  The kiddos would blow bubbles until they were really big and then set their paper down on it.  I am sure some of you want to know if any of the kids sucked in instead of blew out.  Only two this year!

Our Farm Books!


White Day Fun!


Gabby brought the white snack for the PM class:  Popcorn & marshmallows!

 The AM class got white donuts brought by Liam
 Our White junk poster

Letter I Week!

Icecream Shape Match

I Week!

I snacks were so yummy this week!
Here is Sei showing off his Icecream Bar!
 Here is Connor showing off his Icee's and Iced animal cookies!