Thursday, November 1, 2012

Gray Day!

While Gray week was fun, it just couldn't top the Halloween festivities.  Here's Addy with the AM's gray snack (very impressive Mom! nothing is gray an it is hard to make! Thanks for the extra efforts!
I had a little clearer picture but her smile in this one just couldn't be topped!
 Hadn't planned on this being the "gray" picture but they were all standing around the gloop and they looked so cute.  Impromtu pictures are always great.  Notice the gloop is GRAY!  That was not intentional.  We had 4 colors - pink, purple, yellow and blue.  I let them mix them together today with great surprising results!
 I love all the shades of gray.  We talked today about how black and white are usually the colors that make gray and how much white you put in determines how light the gray color becomes.
 The PM class had lots of extra time today because they worked super hard all morning so we treated ourselves to "Go, Diego, Go" during snack time. 

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