Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween Hulabaloo!

We had such a great time on Wednesday celebrating Halloween.  We got to show off our costumes, make a jack-o-lantern magnet, play ghost, ghost witch (duck duck goose), carve pumpkins, make garbage bag ghosts and the best:  Play outside!
It is official!!  I need to hire a permanent photographer for the afternoon class.  I always forget the important pictures.  We went outside to take pictures of the class but one of the kiddos wasn't there yet and I knew he was coming so  we only took pictures of the girls thinking we would take a group picture as soon as he got there.  It never happened and I feel so bad!  Luckily, Sofia's mom took a random group shot of the boys waiting their turn so I included her picture!  Thanks for saving me Monica!
 This has to be one of my favorite pictures ever!  These boys are so cute!

 Don't you just love the poses?!

 Marcel's very cute jack-o-lantern mandarin oranges

 I couldn't resist posting this.  I LOVE Reese's face in this picture.  She looks like she is really scowling at someone.  She is really just squinting into the sun but I think it is hilarious and she is just too cute to resist.

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