Thursday, April 18, 2013

Donuts for our Dads!
Since Father's Day is always during the summer, we decided to celebrate our Dad's early during preschool.  We spent all day working on cards and making donuts.  We got to cut the dough with a donut cutter, we got to put our donuts in the oil, turn them, and take them out (all with Mrs. Gillespie's VERY careful attention!!!!) Of course, we got to sample our favorites at the end!  We sure do love our Dads and all they do for us!  Happy EARLY Father's Day!

This is the delicate part of the process which requires one on one attention from Mrs. Gillespie.  We use the end of a very long spoon to grab the donuts in the middle and take them out.  
 The cinnamon sugar and powdered sugar donuts got put into a brown bag and we shook them like crazy!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Y snacks
 Connor brought Yogurt and Yellow cookies!  Yummy!

Gabby brought Yellow pudding and Yahoos!

Y Week!

Y week brought back some oldies but goodies to our centers.  Not too many things start with Y but we sure had fun with the things that did!  We also had yellow play dough but I didn't catch a picture of it!

Yellow Yuck!

Playing in the YARD!

Dress up Box!  We don't get this out often so we sure like to take advantage of it!

 Just had to laugh because Gabby sure looks happy to be in handcuffs!  Must have been a nice policeman!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Happy Birthday Marcel! 
 We have another 5 year old in our midst!

X snack yummies!

I love how creative parents can get!  You would think X would be a hard letter to get a snack for but both classes had a great showing for X!

Reese brought X shaped breadsticks - one with cinnamon and one with garlic.  She also brought grape licorice to make into an X shape 

Dallon brought Xray cookies (wish I had gotten a better picture of them - soooo cute!) and Twix!

X is for eXcellence!

X week was sure eXciting!  Since there aren't a whole lot of things that start with X, this week we got to break out some of the old favorites like legos and trains.  

Here's the xylophone we made out of an X.

Xylophone dog.  The kids LOVED this toy but I will be honest and admit that it got hidden about halfway through playtime every day because the teacher's stress level kept rising and rising with all the noise :)

 We colored a xylophone with the smelly markers - hence the reason you will see lots of strange marks on the kiddos in the pictures.  They love to sniff them and sometimes it just gets a little too close.  

And how could you have X week without playing Tic Tac Toe?  Most of the kids didn't quite get the concept but they had fun trying.
 Here is our homemade xylophone music maker.  These three boys had such a blast.  They made up their own little game.  I had to include both of the pictures because I love to see the cute grin on Eli's face!