Thursday, April 18, 2013

Donuts for our Dads!
Since Father's Day is always during the summer, we decided to celebrate our Dad's early during preschool.  We spent all day working on cards and making donuts.  We got to cut the dough with a donut cutter, we got to put our donuts in the oil, turn them, and take them out (all with Mrs. Gillespie's VERY careful attention!!!!) Of course, we got to sample our favorites at the end!  We sure do love our Dads and all they do for us!  Happy EARLY Father's Day!

This is the delicate part of the process which requires one on one attention from Mrs. Gillespie.  We use the end of a very long spoon to grab the donuts in the middle and take them out.  
 The cinnamon sugar and powdered sugar donuts got put into a brown bag and we shook them like crazy!

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