Friday, April 12, 2013

X is for eXcellence!

X week was sure eXciting!  Since there aren't a whole lot of things that start with X, this week we got to break out some of the old favorites like legos and trains.  

Here's the xylophone we made out of an X.

Xylophone dog.  The kids LOVED this toy but I will be honest and admit that it got hidden about halfway through playtime every day because the teacher's stress level kept rising and rising with all the noise :)

 We colored a xylophone with the smelly markers - hence the reason you will see lots of strange marks on the kiddos in the pictures.  They love to sniff them and sometimes it just gets a little too close.  

And how could you have X week without playing Tic Tac Toe?  Most of the kids didn't quite get the concept but they had fun trying.
 Here is our homemade xylophone music maker.  These three boys had such a blast.  They made up their own little game.  I had to include both of the pictures because I love to see the cute grin on Eli's face!

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