Friday, January 11, 2013

Making a sun

We learned about the sun this week.  A few things the kids may have picked up:  the sun is so big that if the earth were a tiny pebble, the sun would be a beach ball, the sun is a star - a burning ball of gas!  The sun is so bright because it is the closest star to us!  Sometimes the sun shoots out streams of burning gas.  We also learned that if we didn't have the sun, we wouldn't be able to live.  It gives us heat and light.

Here is our fun but messy activity to make our suns.  First we squirted red, orange and yellow paint onto a paper plate.  Then we put our hands into a bag and squished the paint all around.

Once the paint dried, we got to staple triangles onto the outside to make the suns rays.  You would not believe how excited the kids were to be able to use the stapler all by themselves.  The little joys that bring such great pleasure!

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