Thursday, January 17, 2013

Space Adventures!

I wish I could describe to you how excited the kids become when we talk about space and the planets!  I definitely get their attention more during that 15 minutes than any other time during our day!  I love how interested they are!  We have LOVED sharing the moon bag!  The kids are so excited for their turn to take it home!  My many thanks to wonderful parents who support their children!

We started learning about the planets this week.  Tuesday was Mercury and our favorite fact is that it is really close to the sun but has really deep craters full of ice that never melts
Our favorite fact about Venus on Wednesday is that it is the hottest planet even though it isn't the closest to the sun AND it has poisonous acid clouds!
Thursday we learned about Earth and that 3/4 of it is covered with water and it is not completely round but flat at the poles!  The center is full of melted metal (in simple terms for preschoolers)

I only got one picture but here is Eli painting "SPACE!" with stars.  

Space shadow match

Rockets from big to little

Space writing - write the letter each space item starts with!  One had the dotted letters and one was missing the first letter and they had to write it in.  It surprised me how many kids in the morning class wanted to try the one that was missing the letter!

Clip the letter that begins the first letter of the Space item


Here's Eli showing off his very cute sun, planets and stars!  (very creative Mom!)

Here's Liam with his fantastic rocket ship popcorn!  The kids were so excited to be able to take these rocket ships home to play with!  New toy!  (Thanks Mom)

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