Friday, January 11, 2013

Space fun!!!

Learning about SPACE is a blast!!!
We had such a good time learning about space this week! 
We started off by learning about what is in space and how we learned about it.  Then we learned all about astronauts and what it is like for them in space - how they get around, what they eat, how they got to be an astronaut (Mrs. G said they have to be really smart and then all the kids said they could be astronauts - I believe them!)  
Here's our planet song (almost like a chant):
Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars
Then comes Jupiter - Oh my stars!
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune too
The dwarf planet Pluto
Whoopidee doo!

Fun facts about the moon - We always see the same side of the moon.  It takes 4 days on the space shuttle to get there.  There is no air or wind on the moon so footprints will stay in the dust forever.  It gets VERY cold when the sun isn't shining on it because there is nothing to hold the heat in.   Did you know when we went to the moon, we left our moon buggie there?

We learned all about the different phases of the moon by using oreos!  After we saw what each phase of the moon looked like on our cookies, we colored them on our black paper.  We learned Full, Gibbous, Quarter, Crescent and New moons!  As we do the moon bag this month, the kiddos will begin to remember these names!  I still have kids from my class a few years ago that remember them all!  Can't wait to see how this class does!

Here is the AM class showing a gibbous moon!

Here is the PM class showing a cresceent moon.

Here is the PM class showing their colored and labeled moon phases.  Sorry, but you won't see these for a few weeks - we are going to put all the planets on the back!  I have to laugh because it took me about 5 tries to take this picture and it totally shows on the kids faces - they were all complaining that their arms were tired.

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