Friday, September 28, 2012

Inside Our Bodies!

We had a fantastic week learning about our bodies inside.  We learned that our skeletons are very important in helping us stand and walk and move.   We got to see real x-rays of bones and put together a skeleton.   On Thursday, we painted our skeletons and I am so impressed with how amazing these preschoolers can listen and follow directions!  I know you can enjoy your own child's art work but I thought you might find it as funny and interesting as I do how CUTE these skeletons turned out!  We watched Mrs. Gillespie paint each bone and then made our own.  (the top one is the teachers - I never claimed to be a great artist - just that we would get to paint :)

D week was Dynamite! 
Surprisingly, digging in the dirt for dinosaurs was not as big of a hit as I thought it would be. 
I guess they don't like getting dirty all the time.
Addison didn't mind a little dirt!
Emma LOVED digging in the dirt!  Sorry, Mom, but I am pretty sure she came home this dirty every day!  I couldn't resist taking a picture!
I love Marcel's camera smile!  He is so "cheesy"!

We matched doggie letters.  (Sei & Cameron - AM)
Here is Connor (PM) Counting dots in the domino parking lot.
Emma Jade (PM) had a great time doing ALL the activities this week! 
 She was most proud of this one:
Matching doggie bone words with their pictures!
Here's Reese (AM) putting dinosaurs in the right order.
And the number one center time activity:  Doctor!
The kids gave shots, did checkups, handed out medicine, and listened to their patients heartbeats.
(Gabby & Greysen - PM) (Vivian AM)
My favorite quote of the week:
"Mrs. Gillespie, let me listen to your heart....(long pause)...I don't hear anything.  You must be dead."


Greysen (PM) did a dynamite job drawing a dinosaur. 
 (They got to pick out a picture and trace over it)

Domino matching (Lyla & Mason AM)
 And of course my little builders Dallon (PM)
 Emma Jade & Emma Grace (PM)
Vivian & Mary (AM) were inseparable this week.  Here they were sorting out dogs.
 Dinosaur upper and lower alphabet match

 Marcel's letter D snack!

Purple Day on Parade!

I have to chuckle a little when I get the classes together for pictures.  When I asked the AM class to put their arms around each other, most of them didn't know how.  I had to "teach" them how and then push them close together.

The  PM class was just the opposite.  I didn't even have to ask them to hug.  They just crammed themselves together and started attacking each other.  The difference a year makes!
 We got to learn that red and blue make purple by mixing playdough!
 After we mixed it together, the kiddos loved rolling out snakes and snails.
 Here is Addison with eating the AM's purple snack of doughnuts!
 Greysen brought purple monster pudding and grape soda for purple day!
 To celebrate our purple day and the end of D week, we painted purple dinosaurs and then put Dots on them!

Gabby (PM) celebrated her 5th Birthday with us on Thursday with cake and icecream!
Happy Birthday Gabby!

Friday, September 21, 2012

C Week!

Our Carefully laid out C week was very colorful, crazy and cool! We had so many fun C centers!  A few that I missed taking pictures of were the coin toss, the cups & containers in the corn, and Candyland.   We got to listen to a song called "the Cat Came Back".  It's a very catchy tune the kids wanted to listen to over and over.
Clam Catching time for Reese & Vivian (AM)
 Here's Emma Grace (PM) doing her best to catch only the purple clams!
 Cootie time with Dallon, Zachary & Sofia.
 Counting out the Cars kept Connor (PM) busy for a minute or two!
 Emma Jade and Sofia (PM) were experts at counting out the cookie crumbs!
 Gabby (PM) loved cutting on the cutting board.
 We can't forget one of the favorite activities of the week:  CANDY STORE!  Here's Greysen (PM) using coins and cards in the cash register.
 Connect 4 with Lyla (AM)
Sei (AM) became an expert at cookie counting!

 And of course we can't forget the Car Center which was a huge hit with the boys with the occasional girl joining in.  Greysen, Marcel & Gabby (PM)
Here are Eli, Addison, Mason & Cameron (AM)  doing their best to go Crazy with Cars!
We painted toilet paper tubes to make CARS!

 And here's the finished product! 

Green week! Super fun and I love all the different colors of green! I feel TERRIBLE!!! I completely forgot to take a picture of my so cute PM class in their greens!  It makes me want to have them all wear the same thing on Tuesday just so I can take a picture of it!
 We had fun painting our toes to make a green caterpillar!  Here's Eli (AM) showing his color!
 Our green junk poster!  We sure find some fantastic junk!
 Sofia's (PM) green snack of grapes, jungle cookies, jello & gatorade.
Here's Dallon (PM) and his soon-to-be caterpillar toes.
 Here's Vivian (AM) and her so fun green snack of gummy bears, apples, & celery with peanut butter.
 All the kiddos had a chance to mix blue and yellow playdough to see what would happen!  Surprise!!! GREEN!!!  Here are Mary, Mason & Cameron (AM) showing their hard work.