Friday, September 28, 2012

Purple Day on Parade!

I have to chuckle a little when I get the classes together for pictures.  When I asked the AM class to put their arms around each other, most of them didn't know how.  I had to "teach" them how and then push them close together.

The  PM class was just the opposite.  I didn't even have to ask them to hug.  They just crammed themselves together and started attacking each other.  The difference a year makes!
 We got to learn that red and blue make purple by mixing playdough!
 After we mixed it together, the kiddos loved rolling out snakes and snails.
 Here is Addison with eating the AM's purple snack of doughnuts!
 Greysen brought purple monster pudding and grape soda for purple day!
 To celebrate our purple day and the end of D week, we painted purple dinosaurs and then put Dots on them!

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