Friday, September 21, 2012

Green week! Super fun and I love all the different colors of green! I feel TERRIBLE!!! I completely forgot to take a picture of my so cute PM class in their greens!  It makes me want to have them all wear the same thing on Tuesday just so I can take a picture of it!
 We had fun painting our toes to make a green caterpillar!  Here's Eli (AM) showing his color!
 Our green junk poster!  We sure find some fantastic junk!
 Sofia's (PM) green snack of grapes, jungle cookies, jello & gatorade.
Here's Dallon (PM) and his soon-to-be caterpillar toes.
 Here's Vivian (AM) and her so fun green snack of gummy bears, apples, & celery with peanut butter.
 All the kiddos had a chance to mix blue and yellow playdough to see what would happen!  Surprise!!! GREEN!!!  Here are Mary, Mason & Cameron (AM) showing their hard work.

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