Friday, September 21, 2012

B week Blasts in!

So MANY B activities and so little time to do them all!  Here are a few things we did this week!
Here is Reese (AM) Beading!
 Baby Blocks were a BIG hit! (Mason & Vivian - AM)
 Here's Emma Jade doing the B puzzle.
 Lacing the Butterfly was a little tricky for some but Marcel (PM) got it down!
 Here is Addison (AM) putting the right number of paper clips on the butterflies.
 Bring on the bubbles!  The kids had so much fun blowing the bubbles bigger than the bowl!
(Emma Jade, Dallon, Zachary, Sophia & Marcel PM)
 Connor (PM) shows off his bubble dot B.
 Mary (AM) has fun matching the butterfly wings.
 The BIG Blocks were the biggest hit of the week.  The PM class really got into seeing how big they could build it.
 The PM class was so proud of their Bridge - they made me take tons of pictures!
 Here are Sei and Liam (AM) sorting the Balls from the Beans!
 The classes both love to share their books!
 Here's the AM class building their path.  I wish I had gotten a picture of it but their FAVORITE thing to do during B week was to build a big tower then Break it to bits!  Their laughter was so contagious!

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